Donate to help RDF combat the criminalization of poverty!  image

Donate to help RDF combat the criminalization of poverty!

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Help RDF pay fines, fees, and costs that would otherwise trap someone in the legal system!

The Rainy Day Fund seeks to combat the criminalization of poverty by eliminating financial barriers for individuals who are legal system involved. We do not believe that one's ability to pay should determine whether or not they are successful in maneuvering through, avoiding, or successfully exiting the legal system. Too often are justice related decisions limited by a financial factor. RDF hopes to play a part in creating a world where that factor is no longer part of the equation.

Some of our major areas of focus include assisting individuals with insurmountable court costs and fees. Many of the board members are or were public defenders. We would often see clients faced with the option of paying a large fee for a program or taking a conviction and getting time served. For many clients, paying a fee was not ever a feasible option.

Similarly, RDF works with individuals experiencing homelessness to provide funding for gap housing opportunities as well as acquisition of identity documents. The revolving door of jail to hospital to streets and back again can be interrupted if someone has access to the necessary documents for treatment and housing as well as a plan for continued care through the transition from institution to the streets. We help support this through our gap housing and identity document program.

One of our clients spent the last decade walking to and from work. He was convicted of a Driving Under Suspension more than 10 years ago. Due to administrative error and the inability to pay reinstatement fees, his driver's license fees spiraled out of control. This prevented him from taking advantage of different employment opportunities and interfered with his ability to show up in his daughters life. When RDF started working with him, we were able to refer him to Homeless Court. Homeless Court helped him reduce his fees from over $5,000 to only $800.RDF was able to help this gentleman bridge the gap and he was able to get his license reinstated. RDF had the privilege of being in the car for the inaugural ride where he talked about being able to drive his daughter to get ice cream.